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Pit Fighters


Artikelnummer: WFSIF612

A lot
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Warning! This is polish version of the box! All miniatures are like original ones and cards are in 2021 edition – but all language elements are Polish!

Gladiatorial combat has a long tradition as one of the most popular and dangerous forms of entertainment, often performed by those enslaved by others. Man vs. man. Man vs. beast. Small squads against one another. Massive free-for-alls. A gladiator must be ready for anything, despite their lack of formal training and in spite of the rudimentary equipment they’re given. When Queen Daenerys freed the slaves, many Pit Fighters pledged their allegiance. And while each one has a slightly different style of fighting and isn’tusually used to fighting alongside other troops on an open battlefield, enemy commanders would do well not to underestimate these veteran fighters and their unusual tactics


  • 12 Miniatures
  • 1 Unit Card
  • 1 Movement Tray
